Why is Vitamin D so important?
You’ve probably heard of Vitamin D. The sunshine vitamin. The feel good vitamin. Well, you aren’t wrong if these things come to mind when thinking of vitamin D!
Vitamin D has many roles in the human body:
Regulates the immune system
Improves insulin and glucose regulation
Supports mood, hormones, brain and nervous system health
Important in bone building and skin healing
This amazing vitamin is unfortunately deficient in many of our bodies. Most of us do not get enough outdoor time, exposing our bare skin to the sun, and if you live in the northern hemisphere, you likely only have access to vitamin D 4 months out of the year.
Living in Vancouver, Canada, means that vitamin D supplementation is an important part of my day to day. The cloudy and rainy winters mean that our sun exposure is minimal and even when we do get a peak of sunshine, it’s not enough to maintain our levels through the colder, darker months.
Testing your vitamin D level is as simple as talking to your Naturopathic Doctor or health care provider, getting a blood requisition and blood draw done at your nearest Lifelabs. This simple test may be the key to unlocking why you are feeling:
Run down or burnt out
Fatigued and sluggish
Moody or depressed
Having muscle pains or are having difficulty healing wounds
The ease of vitamin D supplementation makes it a no brainer! I always suggest a liquid D supplement since it’s readily absorbable in a fat soluble liquid (usually MCT oil or other plant oil) and it is an extremely affordable supplement.
Vitamin D is a part of my day to day, will you make it a part of yours?